There are parts of Australia that are not, in any sense, densely populated by humans. This has led to roads that abridge forests and parks and are traversed at really high speeds. This has unfortunately led to a large amount of road-kill (AKA animal fatalities.)
Many of these at-risk animals are nocturnal, so their attempts to cross roads in search of food or habit is at much greater risk.

There are so many things that resonate with me about this:
That the animals adapted. Centuries of behavior have had these animals just traversing land to get from point A to point B, but they adapted! Koalas, notorious for bad eyesight, quickly adapted to their tunnels.
Diversity. On both sides of this equation. All sorts of animals, including koalas, echidnas, wallabies, kangaroos, possums gliders as well as koalas, will seek out and use all different perches, bridges and tunnels.
The power of public investment! The Australian Government foots this bill and needs to. There’s no private sector incentive (should there be??!?!) so the Australian Government had to and did invest millions.
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